We have Arabic Virtual Receptionists, English Virtual Receptionists, French Virtual Receptionists and Spanish Virtual Receptionists. Our team of agents come with years of call handling experience
Our virtual receptionists are expert telephone answering staff who receive calls and direct them to the concerned team member within your company. We can take messages, make follow-up calls and book appointments but do not do cold-calling.
Your callers will never know about us. We take the calls in your name using the scripts you provide and we handle the call as instructed by you. Think of us as your receptionist who work from outside the office and relieve your internal staff to take care of other pressing needs.
Our Fiji Virtual Receptionist are very professional and experienced and able to handle various situations as needed. We make time to train in ways to serve each client’s unique needs.
Our Fiji Virtual Receptionist are very professional and experienced and able to handle various situations as needed. We make time to train in ways to serve each client’s unique needs.
Our Fiji Virtual Receptionist are very professional and experienced and able to handle various situations as needed. We make time to train in ways to serve each client’s unique needs.
Mon-Fri 24hrs
Kinisi Global is a multinational brand serving the needs of clients in 18 countries across various time-zones.
AstraQom Virtual Assistant services allow us to cater to the needs of our clients round the clock and in multiple languages. A totally convenient relationship.